NOLA Misting Systems
Misting cools you off without getting you wet...

Mosquito System
How much does a mosquito system cost?
For a professionally installed MistAway Mosquito Misting System, you should expect to spend about what you would spend for an installed irrigation system for your home. That is, the larger the property and area you are trying to protect, the higher the price. For a “representative” home sitting on a standard quarter-acre lot, plan on a purchase price in the $2,500 - $4,500 range. The wide range is a function of the variety of mounting surfaces and obstacles that may be encountered by your dealer in installing the pyretherum-insecticide misting nozzle circuit.
Choosing a back yard Mosquito Control System
MistAway offers two different versions of its outdoor mosquito control systems. Our original system is the drum-based mosquito misting unit that set the industry standard. Our latest innovation is a tankless mosquito misting system that represents the leading edge of backyard mosquito control and outdoor insect control technology. This unit offers snap-in refills with no pre-mixing and digitally controlled dosing.
Regardless of the system you choose, rest assured that both are built with MistAway's superior misting technology and backed by our unmatched commitment to quality.
Do Mosquito Misting Systems Really Work?
The most convincing evidence that this innovative mosquito treatment really works is the explosive growth in the market.
Barn fly spray systems or fly control systems have been used to protect expensive racehorses from biting flies for decades. In the late '90s, entrepreneurs in Texas began to adapt this technology for outdoor mosquito control in a residential environment. They convinced a few adventuresome homeowners to try the technology, and awareness began to grow.
Word spread at evening cocktail parties as the owners raved about their new mosquito misting system and their guests realized that they would've been forced to flee indoors if the party had been at their house.
From a standing start fifteen years ago, we estimate there are 50,000 – 60,000 operating mosquito misting and automatic insect control systems currently at work in the U.S. And MistAway Mosquito Misting Systems manufactured systems account for almost half of that figure. You wouldn't see that kind of growth if this innovative approach to outdoor mosquito control weren't truly effective.
Formulations Used in Mosquito Mist Systems
Botanical - Pyrethrin
The active ingredient in the formulations most commonly used in outdoor insect control and automated mosquito mist systems is called pyrethrin, which is derived from the extract of a certain variety of chrysanthemum flowers. Though pyrethrin comes from flowers, it is not completely correct to think of it as either “natural” or “organic” because it is highly refined and contains a man-made “synergist” that increases its effectiveness. When applied in a mist, pyrethrin flushes mosquitoes from foliage where they harbor and then impairs their nervous system. Shortly after application, the pyrethrin is rapidly degraded by sunlight, and leaves the yard free of residue.
Pyrethrin's Synthetic Cousin - PermethrinÂ
Scientists have developed a synthetic variant of pyrethrin, called permethrin, that has most of the same characteristics as pyrethrin. An important difference is that the man-made permethrin is not as readily destroyed by sunlight and leaves a longer lasting residue. This can be desirable if the mosquito activity is very high or in an application – like an outdoor restaurant - where the mosquito mist system should not run during the dusk cycle because people are around.
Misting System Operating Expenses
The pyrethrum insecticide consumed is driven by the number of misting nozzles in your mosquito system and your daily mist duration. So, with mist durations being equal, a system with 60 nozzles will consume twice as much insecticide as a system with 30 nozzles.
Though it varies from dealer to dealer, the mosquito mist durations programmed by most of our dealers is fairly standard at about 30 to 60 seconds, with a morning mist scheduled around dawn and an evening mosquito mist just after dusk. For a "representative" home on a quarter acre lot, plan on spending $2.00 – $3.00 per day during the mosquito season for a full-service contract.
In addition to replenishing the pyrethrum insecticide in your MistAway mosquito misting system, NOLA Misting Systems will also provide routine and emergency maintenance as well as startup and winterization services.